วันเสาร์ที่ 8 พฤษภาคม พ.ศ. 2553

So Small -Music Video (Cover)

This is my first music video that I made with a ton of awesome help! Also, visit my website at: www.emilyelisabeth.weebly.com Thanks for watching! Nice, positive comments are appreciated! We did not try in anyway to copy the official video, but I know there are some similarities. Sorry if this concerns you, we'll do better in the future, and Carrie Underwood's video is ten times better, I know that. So let's all just stay happy, sweet people! Thanks! Song sung by Carrie Underwood Cover by Emily Elisabeth Recorded by Ron Saltmarsh from Piano Gallery Studios Filmed by Marco Vergaray from Enigma Studios Singer-Emily Elisabeth Girl-Shamae Budd Guy-Andrew Robinson Extras-Emily Adair, Emma Marie Cinematographer, Producer-Marco Vergaray Make Up/Hair Stylist-Emily Adair Special Thanks to-Rooster Noodle House and the Bean Family.


