วันจันทร์ที่ 27 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2553

Wok On - Wok Off!

Leeds Revo win fight for "wok-ers' rights" at noodle house REVOLUTION organised a protest in Leeds on Saturday against a chain of restaurants called Wok On and won the minimum wage and the right to unionise. Wok On had offered a 24-year-old member of REVOLUTION £4 an hour for working as a chef/waiter and employed a 14-year-old to leaflet in the city centre and paid her in noodles! Not only were Wok On refusing to pay the pittance of a minimum wage, never mind a living wage, but they were exploiting the fact that there's not even a minimum wage for under 16s and that so many youth now desperate for work to support themselves and their families. A group of around 20 protesters took to the streets just outside Wok On's main restaurant in Leeds They were demanding "equal wages for all ages" and telling the management "low pay no way". While the bulk of protesters stayed outside the shop, leafletting and talking with would-be diners, generally causing embarassment for the owners of the shop, and others confonted management with the accusations that they were underpaying workers, breaking laws and exploiting young people. The manager denied that he'd broken the law but admitted that he'd paid under-16s in noodles, arguing that it was a fair deal but that if he'd have known she was poor then he'd have paid her in cash instead. He agreed that he would pay all staff the legal minimum wage and that a trade union rep would be allowed to go in and speak to his staff next week ...


